Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent
At Broomhill Primary School, we offer a curriculum that is inclusive, ambitious, purposeful, and responsive to children’s needs and interests. We have worked across our Broomhill family to think carefully about our curriculum. What should the children learn? Who should they meet? Which books should they have read? What experiences should they have had? Where should they have been? Which poems should they have learnt? Why do we prioritise this and not that? How does the language of maths feed into science?  We used our answers to these questions, and more, to design a bespoke curriculum that it is ambitious, exciting and enriching for all of our pupils.
We believe that the purpose of the curriculum is to gradually build up pupils’ level of knowledge and understanding across all subject disciplines and then be able to apply this in a thoughtful and considered manner to suit the demands of any task.
At Broomhill, our curriculum is designed to nurture, excite, enthuse and develop within our pupils a love of learning that encourages them to pursue their learning away from school. It is our intent to equip all children in our care with the knowledge they will need to be successful citizens.